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 Testimonials about ''SMS'' Group 

Testimony of Sunil Das  Shiromoni, Tajratna Eminent Painter

Sunil Das

Shiromoni, Tajratna Eminent Painter

Testiimony of Eminent Artist Sunil Das

‘‘SMS’’ A Group of Artists - '' Diversity Creates a Magic of Unique Arts ''

As a guest artist I felt myself very much honored, especially when the invitation came directly from Puja Sarkar the founder member of SMS Group. I knew Puja very well for a long time. She was a talented young artist. I was very much fascinated to her not only because of her art, but for her artistic personality also. She had a childlike delight of life, which an artist should have. But at the same time a sound maturity also existed in her.

I knew she had a passionate love for art, deep rooted self-confidence and quest for aesthetic perfection. Besides that she was very hard working. All these were known to me. So I had a firm believe that under the  leadership of such a person the program taken by SMS Group must reach its perfection. So I had no reservation to give my consent to Puja’s proposal.

When SMS group started its journey its philosophy was to convey the message of contemporary time. Then most of the members of this group were young and more or less they were of the same age group. Unconventionally they valued anything in this material world as the subject of their painting.

As in the paintings of Puja the inanimate objects of our daily use, not visually but the themes are characterized into human beings. And these are not merely some jugglery of ideas, but these come out of the core of her heart of many folded experience and feelings of her childhood and adolescence. Out of which a totally uncommon series of paintings we are getting from her.

After a few years being ruled over by time SMS has changed its structure. Now artists of different age have joined the group. So diversity is now created in it. I hope my works will add also a new tune in this orchestra.





Judhajit Sengupta

Eminent Painter & Illustrator

(Guest Artist of “SMS“ Group)

Testimony of Eminent Painter & Illustrator Judhajit Sengupta

Judhajit Sengupta

Eminent Painter & Illustrator

© "SMS" GROUP/All Right Reserved/ Kolkata/West Bengal/INDIA

Proudly Created by POOJA SARKAR


"SMS" A Group of Artists

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