SMS" A Group of Artists encourages visual artists to submit their stunning artworks for a chance to be featured in an upcoming curated national online show likely to be held in winter from 26th February to 31st March, 2025 on www.smsgroupartist.com Any query please whatsapp- 9475920747 / 9903022899
ESTD: 2009
Individual Senses Make Together a Unique Message"
Artist Name - Niranjan Pradhan
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Name : NIRANJAN PRADHAN, Sculptor & Painter
Date of Birth : 4th February, 1940 at Kalindi, Purba Midnapore, West Bengal, India
Designation : Ex Reader, Government College of Art & Craft, Calcutta.
Qualification :
1) First Class Diploma in Drawing and Painting from Government College of Art & Craft, Calcutta , 1964.
2) First Class Diploma in Modelling and Sculpture, Government College of Art and Craft, Calcutta, 1967
3) Passed the Art Appreciation Course, University of Calcutta, 1972.
Experience :
1) Teaching at Tirthapati Institution, Kolkata, 1968-1973 as Art cum Craft Teacher.
2) Teaching at Govt. College of Art & Craft, Kolkata from September 1973-2000.
1970 - Received the President of India’s Silver Plaque for sculpture as the best Exhibit of the exhibition, All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society, New Delhi.
1973 & ‘74 - Awarded Certificate of merit in sculpture in All India Annual Exhibition of Arts, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kol.
1976 & ‘80 - Awarded the Best Exhibit in Sculpture, in All India Annual Exhibition of Arts, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kol.
2017 – Lifetime Achievement Awards from INFAC (Indian National Forum of Art and Culture) Kolkata.
2018- Akademi Award from West Bengal State Akademi of Dance Drama Music and Visual Arts, Rabindra Bharati University ,KOL.
2018 – Ramkinkar Beij Purashkar from Govt. of West Bengal, Information and Cultural Department.
2019 - Shilpi Mahasamman from Rajya Charukala Parshad, Information & Cultural Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
Honours received from
1) Swadhinata Sangrami Smarak Samity, Kolkata.
2) Shahid Rao Tula Ram Samity, New Delhi.
3) Jamini Roy Smriti Mallabhum Puraskar.
4) Raj Jyotishi Mahasammelan, Kolkata.
5) Purnima Sammelani, Garia, Kolkata.
6) Acharya Samman, Diamond Harbour.
7) Nagarik Samman, Salt Lake, Kolkata,
8) CA Block Citizens Association, Salt Lake, Kolkata.
9) Rotari Club, North Kolkata
10) Sunil Pal Smriti Smarak Samman,, Montmartre, Kolkata
11) Honour from Prachin Kalakendra, Kolkata
12) Ratna Bhushan Samman from Surabharati Sangit Kalakendra, Howrah
13) Panchaputra Samman 2022 by Initiative for Science & Public Awareness Target, Kolkata
1996 - Invited by the British City Council, UK and the High Commissioner for India, London to visit Bristol for seeing the site of College Green Park where the statue of Raja Rammohan Roy to be installed and again invited during the time of the installation and inauguration of the statue.
Invited by the Bengal Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh for Art Camp.
Solo Exhibitions :
1975 - Indo American society, Kolkata
1978 - Sri Aurobindo Bhaban, Kolkata
1986/88/91/93 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai.
2000 - Birla Academy of Art & Culture, Kolkata
2002 - Birla Academy of Art & Culture, Mumbai
2007 - Akriti Art Gallery, Kolkata.
2013 – A Retrospective Exhibition at Rabindranath Tagore Centre ICCR, Kolkata
Joint Exhibition :
2007 - Tamarind Art Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
2008 - Ashutosh Centenary Hall, Kolkata
Group Exhibition :
1966/71 - Exhibition organized by Sculptor’s Guild, Kolkata and New Delhi.
1967/68/70/71 - Open Air Exhibition of Sculpture, Government College of Art and Craft, Calcutta.
1967-78 - Participated in National and Annual Exhibitions, Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi.
1970-73 - All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society, New Delhi.
1973 to till now - Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata.
1976 - Assembly House, C.M.D.A., Kolkata.
1995 to till now - La Mere Art Gallery, Regent Park, Kolkata.
1990 to till now - Society of Contemporary Artists, Kolkata.
2013-“Life and Mission of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda” Exhibition organized by Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture & Indian Council for Cultural Relations (Kolkata)
Harmony Shows in Bombay organized by Tina Ambani and many other group shows invited by the Galleries throughout India every year.
1975 - Double life size bronze bust of Deshapran Birendra Nath Sasmal Installed at Tollygunge, Kolkata
1978 - Double life size Marble bust of Deshapran Birendra Nath Sasmal, Installed at East Midnapore
1980 - Double life size marble bust of Gajendra Nath Guchhait, Installed at East Midnapore
1981 - Double life size marble bust of Teacher Satish Samanta Installed at Udaynarayanpur, Howraha,
1985 - Double life size bronze bust of Raja Rammohan Roy, installed at Bristol, UK
1989 - Bronze statue of Mahanayak Uttam kumar (the great actor) size 13' 4", Kolkata
1993 - Bronze statue of G.S.Bihani (Size 8' 6"), Rajasthan.
1997 - Bronze statue of Raja Rammohan Roy (Size 8' 5") at Bristol, UK.
1998 - Bronze statue of Shahid Rao Tula Ram on horseback (18') installed at Rao Tula Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
1999 - Double life size bronze bust of Michael Madhusudan Dutt installed at Madhusudan Mancha, Kolkata.
2000 -Terracotta Mural (Tribal Family ), Geetanjali, Shantiniketan. (12'X8' - 2 piece)
2004 - Manifestation of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda at the birthplace of Vivekananda, Kolkata,
attended, amongst others, by the president of India.
2004 - Two bronze statues of Niranjan Sengupta, ( half- bust) one at Niranjan Sadan, Kolkata and the other at Ranikuthi, Kolkata.
2004 - Glass Fibre statue of Sri Aurobindo at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, Regent Park, Kolkata.
2005 - Bronze statue of Respected Roysaheb Thakur Panchanan Roy Barma, (Size 9' 6"), at Manthabhanga, Koochbihar.
2005 - Bronze statue of Sir Ashutosh (half- bust) at the National Science Congress, Kolkata.
2005 - Bronze Portrait at Bhagalpur and Meghalaya
Many half- bust bronze statues in Kolkata, West Bengal, Assam and in other places.
2005-Bronze statue of Respected Satyajit Ray (Size11' 6") installed at “Roop Kala Kendra” Sector-5, Salt Lake City, Kolkata.
2006-Creative Sculpture installed in the park, Zurich, Switzerland
2012- Bronze statue of Sardar Ballav Bhai Patel, install opposite Indian Airlines office, Central Avenue, Kolkata.
2012-Double size Half bust Bronze statue of Kabiguru Rabindra Nath Togore for South 24 Parganas Jila Parishad, West Bengal
2014-Bronze statue of Kabiguru Rabindra Nath Tagore installed at The Tagore Society, Jamshedpur
2022 - Raja Rammohun Roy full figure Glass fiber statue installed at Saltlake organized by Raja Rammhun Roy Library Foundation, Ministry of Culture, Government of India
2007- Double life size bronze bust of Scientist Rao (founder)
2010 - Double life size bronze bust of Achyarya Jagadish Chandra Bose
2011-Double life size bronze statue of Kabiguru Rabindra Nath Togore (as Balmiki Pratibha)
2012- Double life size bronze bust of Professor Satyendra Nath Bose
2012- Double life size bronze bust of Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar
2014 - Double life size bronze bust of Achyarya Prafulla Chandra Roy
2013- Double life size bronze bust of Achyarya Prafulla Chandra Roy
2014 - Double life size Bronze statue of Swami Vivekananda
2014-Double life size bronze statue of Kabiguru Rabindra Nath Tagore (as Balmiki Pratibha)
2015 – Three-quarter Bronze statue of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose
2015- Double life size bronze bust of Bharatendu Harishchandra,
2016- Double life size bronze bust of Rishi Bamkimchandra
Double life size bronze bust of Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar
Double life size bronze bust of Professor Satyendra Nath Bose
2016- Double life size Bronze statue of Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar at Kontai, East Midnapore
2017- Double life size bronze bust of Honourable President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee.
Installed at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.
2019 – Double life size Bronze bust of Mrs. Bera, installed at Pashchim Midnapore
Birla Museum, Bangalore Museum, Gallery La Mere (Kolkata ), Birla House (Switzerland) and others.
Founder member of Sculptors’ Guild, Kolkata.
Member of Society of Contemporary Artists, Kolkata, from 1990.
Member of National Council of Science Museums, Kolkata.
Member of Raja Rammohan Roy Memorial Trust, Kolkata.
Life member of International society for Intercultural studies and Research.
Vice President, Indian National Forum of Art & Culture, Kolkata.
On sculpture - Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh.
On Art and Asthetics - Sri Aurobindo Institute of Culture, Kolkata.
On Art - Tripura, Mallda, Midnapore, Jalpaiguri, Sonarpur, Coochbihar, Rajya Charukala Parshad,
Kolkata and other places.
Tripura, Kolkata, Burdwan, Susunia, Tatanagar, Malda, Coochbihar, Bangladesh, Jodhpur and many others. Organized many Government and non Government Exhibitions, Camps, Cultural Programmes and Seminars.
AE - 406, Sector 1, Saltlake City, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Pin : 700064.
Cell : 9748216196, 9163193470
E mail : pradhanniranjan@gmail.com
Web - www.niranjanpradhan.com